Mask makers EKIMU and MAKUTA

Thousands of years ago, there was the highly advanced ancient civilization in south Arito called OKOTO, where the inhabitants lived in a time of peace and harmony under the diarchy under two mask makers, EKIMU and MAKUTA. Together, EKIMU and MAKUTA makes the MASKS OF POWER in the MASK MAKER CITY and they themselves were special masks; EKIMU wears the MASK OF CREATION while MAKUTA wears the MASK OF CONTROL.

However, EKIMU's admiration made MAKUTA grow jealous, which led him to break the sacred law to make the MASK OF ULTIMATE POWER. As soon MAKUTA dons the mask, he was consumed by its power and the civilization of OKOTO began to break apart. EKIMU realized the situlation and chose to attack MAKUTA to knock off the MASK OF ULTIMATE POWER from him, which caused the shockwave that shattered OKOTO and sends two mask makers into eternal slumber. The MASK MAKER CITY was then abanonded shortly after the incident.

All three masks were scatted across OKOTO, where they remain there waiting to be discovered.


The ancient wall art depicting the PROPHECY OF HEROES

After thousands of years, darkness arrived, where the SKULL SPIDERS, guided by MAKUTA's evil spirit, overrun the remains of OKOTO, which now lie in the Oza Islands, where they search for the MASKS OF POWER. In despiration, the PROTECTORS retreat to the remains of the TEMPLE OF TIME to recite the PROPHECY OF HEROES, as learned in the ancient times from EKIMU's lifeless body.

The PROTECTORS says about the PROPHECY, "When times are dark and hope seems lost, the PROTECTORS must unite, one from each tribe. Evoke the power of past and future, and look to the skies for the answer. When the stars align, six comets will bring six timeless heroes to claim the MASKS OF POWER and find the mask maker. United, the elements hold the power to defeat evil. United, but not one."

It was the power of the PROPHECY that made the spirits of MASTERS, consisting of master of fire TAHU, master of ice KOPAKA, master of water GALI, master of the jungle LEWA, master of stone POHATU and master of earth ONUA, chose six people from El Kadsre; AKIRA ISHIKAWA, HAROLD COLT, BRITTNEY GREY, DENNIS KINSLEY, AKIO HAYASHI and SUSUMU MOTO as their human hosts and rain down upon OKOTO within comets, with their destiny to save OKOTO from evil.

The MASTERS journey through OKOTO's toughest regions in order to reach the shrines of the GOLDEN MASKS OF POWER. The MASTERS brave the wilds of OKOTO with their PROTECTORS guiding them. While the PROTECTORS hold off hordes of the SKULL SPIDERS, the MASTERS reached their respective GOLDEN MASKS OF POWER and put them on. With the GOLDEN MASKS OF POWER claimed, they fend off hordes of SKULL SPIDERS. The PROTECTORS then told the MASTERS to head to the OKOTO ruins to awaken EKIMU and must unite together to fight evil.

The MASTERS were teleported back to El Kadsre, where they unite together. They need to learn to work together as the team in order to defeat the LORD OF THE SKULL SPIDERS, who is swarming in the mountainous region of El Kadsre. However, are they keen enough to defeat the evil casted by MAKUTA?

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